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  1. Hi Great to hear of your successful move. Could I ask how you managed to obtain flights. I have registered with Defat but have not heard anything. My visa expires in November and i am at my wits end trying to secure flights. .Good luck and I would very much appreciate any shared experience of getting flights. Rio
  2. Hi All I was gratefully awarded a 1Year RRV last November and presently based in the UK. I have tried to return to OZ, but have been unable to secure flights due to Covid restrictions and my visa expiry date (Nov21) is quickly getting closer. Is there any other persons in the same situation with any solution to this problem or any agents that could help me either return or have experience of getting an extension. I have now been out of OZ for more than 5 years now, so I am worried that I would not be allowed to apply for a new RRV. Many Thanks Rio.
  3. No probem I had to show my competence as an electrician to enter Australia. On landing I then had to prove my elecrical status through ATR as an electrical mechanic then I had to sit an Exam theory and practical and then I got the A grade. Now employed by Energy safe as a licencing officer. Good luck
  4. Why complain about local standards when your coming from far a field. Respect what the australian authorities do as this is a system that recognises proper electricians who have had proper training, proper apprentices and a standard that has to be met. It took me 5 months to get my licence but you cannot complain about the standard that has to be met. By the way I have recently heard that electricians that came here 3 months ago still do not have the required A grade card.
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